Dentists Dr. Patricia Lamb - 432-1486 The Smile Zone with Dr. Andrew - 989-5733 Dr Vincentia Aung – 439-2266 Casa de Luz with Dr. Clark (alternative) - 922-6875 Dermatology Barry Lycka -
General Family Dr. Deborah Andrew (family alternative)– 780-490-5543(#302 Capilano Centre 9945 - 50 St) Dr. Stephen J. Genuis – MD, FRCSC, DABOG, DABEM, FAAEM – 780-450-3504 Dr. Trethart Dr. Alice Bedard - Dominion Health Centre - 780-432-0021 Dr. Kenneth Romano at 6905 172 St - 780-444-0350
Urogynecology Wellness Program– (referral from Lisa Hanel) Chris (Physiotherapist) - Lois Hole Hospital for Women at Royal Alexander Hospital – 780-735-4761
Vetinary Edmonton North Animal Hospital - Dr. Ranjit Parmar, DVM- 780-476- 3444
Conventional (Drugs / Injections / Testing)
DRUGS Anti-Inflammatory Aleave- (U.S. only)
INJECTIONS Botox (nerve Gas) – Injection to relax muscles, wrinkles Cortisone - Anti-inflammatory - injection to soften connective tissue
Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Resource - Gail L. Denton Ph.D. - Her Book: Brainlash - Maximize your recovery from mild brain injury Brain Wave Entrainment - (Helps with such things as Stress, Depression, Chronic Pain, ADD, PTSD) The Listening Program - - (Helps with such things as brain injuries, people with emotional and learning difficulties)
Fibromyalgia Resources - Support Meetings at U of A every seconded Monday Journal/Magazine: Fibromyalgia Network: A journal for patients, their families & physicians
Lyme disease - Dr. Rebecca Risk -
Scoliosis Systems - (Chiropractors that perform the Schroth Method in the U.S.) - Dr. Marc Moramarco (Chiropractor who performs the Schroth Method in the U.S.) - Alternative Methods - Coaching for Individuals with Scoliosis - Treatment Modalites to try: Anything that addresses the body, mind, spirit. Rolfing, conventional Chiropractic, NUCCA Chiropractic, Network Chiropractic, Rain Drop therapy, Bowen, Homeopathy, Body Talk, Yoga, Pilaties, Coaching, Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Family Constellation and many more.
Sleep Insomnia - Shawn Stevenson: "Sleep Smarter" - Stress and Tension- How to Manage - Cortisol the Stress Hormone Mediation - There are many types - look below in the Meditation section Exercise - nothing fancy needed like walking Diet - eating clean Supliment for anziety / depression - Kratom - Laughter and Joy- breaks in the day with fun Being in a healthy relationship / partnership Yoga / Breathing techniques - find below in the Movement / Yoga section
Practitioners Brain Carpenter – Byo Balance (focus on digestion) – 780-448-087 Dr. David Richmond (St Albert) - Dr. Eric Muradov ND - 780-482-2788 - Gary Schafer and Associates – 780-449-4047 Koru Family Wellness for Women & Children (hormones) - 780-999-1970 Dr. Loretta Kershaw (MD, ND, DHM, DNM) - 780-423-6633 - Michael Hanes – 780-352-2690 (raw food) Randy Swanston (muscle tests) – 451-4600 - Robert Pearman (rec from Troy Clamp)
For a healthy Bowel Bone Soup - Chicken, Beef or Bison Ghee or clarifyed butter GDL - Licorice Root-Stimulates the factors that protect against ulcer by increasing the production of mucin (protective coating in the stomach & intestines).
For Breast lifting / enhancement with supliments - Anti-inflammatory Arnica - cream and or tablets (homeopathic) Boron - Capsicum + arthri-cream - Extra strength formula (homeopathic) CBD Oil (hemp oil with out THC) - One seller - Buy cbd canada - Hemp Oil - CBD (with out THC) Serrapeptase - Silk worm enzyme for the elimination of scar tissue - Sierrasil - Clay with minerals (from K Grace) Zyflamend – New Chapters Infavanoid – Optimum Health Vital3 Joint Solution – 1-800-294-5507 – Zeel -
Mushrooms Ethnopharmacology - Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist, author, and brother to well-known psychedelics proponent Terence McKenna. His new book "Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs: 50 Years of Research (1967-2017)"
Brain Wave Entrainment- - (Helps with such things as Stress, Depression, Chronic Pain, ADD, PTSD) The Listening Program - - (Helps with such things as brain injuries, people with emotional and learning difficulties)
The Benefits of Energetic Therapies An Article - Healing with Life Force Energy - Click Here - Under Construction
Books Barbara Brennen - Light Emerging Fritz Smith - Inner Bridges: A guide to Energy Movement and Body Structure
Chi Gong Classes in Edmonton Dr. Steven Aung - Chinese Dr - free Qi Gong classes. Call his office to find out exact times and location. Peter Melnychuk – Shengzhen Qigong and the Healing Tao Basics. $70 dollars for a set of 4 classes. 482-8960
St Albert Dr Bryan Brodeur – (Flex Extension Table)- Dr. Corey Graham – (Laser Therapy) - Dr. Jeanette Amato - Core Chirropractic (gentale ajustments) - 458-1012 - St Albert -
NUCCA - Upper Cervicle - Dr. Blair Schmaus – 462-0447- Dr. Aurora Ongaro - 780-442-0030 Dr. Creswel & Dr. Ben Kuhn – 450-1041
Bartenieff Fundamentals -It is an application of Laban Movement Analysis. It is a means to re-pattern the neurological connections that govern movement. It is based on four principles;breath, core support, dynamic alignment, and spatial intent.
Therapeutic Movement & Rehabilitation Ball Rolling Anita Sielecki – 780-432-7152 Pearl Deer – 780-469-3185 Tania Alvarado - 780-668-8460 - [email protected]
Chi Gong - Classes in Edmonton Dr. Steven Aung - Chinese Dr - free Qi Gong classes. Call his office to find out exact times and location - Peter Melnychuk – Shengzhen Qigong and the Healing Tao Basics - 780-482-8960
Corrective Meridian Stretches -The Genius of Flexibility (This is a form of stretching that is rehabilitative, corrective, and dynamic. It involves resistance flexibility or isometric stretching. It also targets and treats the organs via the meridians of the body) Bob Cooley - The Genius of Flexibility - Luther Cowden - a student of Bob Cooley and a teacher of his work - A series of the dynamic stretches -
Passive Stretching Pain Free - Pete Egoscue - His book- Pain Free a Revolutionary Method For Stopping Chronic Pain -
Symmetry - Symmetry involves taking careful measurements of all the various out-of-alignment markers of the body, assessing which planes are the most out of whack, and selecting exercises/stretches accordingly. In essence, using quantitative data to be able to design a more effective and most importantly, a more efficient routine for your client. A full protocol would be one session every two weeks for 8 sessions total - spanning 16 weeks. At each session you would remeasure all parameters and adjust stretches/exercises accordingly - moving your client from correction to stabilization to strengthening (of correct posture) through the process. Stretch for Life - Stretching will break up "Myofascial Fuzz" - Gil Hedley (Rolfer) explains - Pavel Tsatsouline (relax into stretch) -
Healing Centers Iboga Treatment Centre - (The Netherlands-Years of experience healing addictions,depression, anxiety and other life-issues -
Medical Intuitive Darcia Dahl - - 604-848-9262 Lori Carrigan - (clairvoyant, medical intuitive, reiki) - 780-935-5445 - St Albert
Hawaiian Healing Mediation - Ho'oponopono: To Divinity positive energy to what you want to transform: (I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you)
Organizations for Community Services - Outreach, Counseling & Psychotherapy Through the City of Edmonton -Tough Times Handbook directory - Dial 211 - Jewish Family Services (non Jewish welcome)-780-454-1194 - Reaching out Fellowship Edmonton - Peer support group for separated, divorced, widowed and singles –780-477-3749 Institute for sexual minority studies and services - Kristoopher Wells – 780-492-9908 –
Women's Emergency Services(shelter and outreach) - Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation Morinville - 587-879-6125
Breath Work Sometime beginning a meditation practitice can be a big step, so a good place to start can be with breath work Breath work - Max Strom -
Body Chart Maps Emotional Body charts - Front Body and Back Body - To View Click Here Ears - Eyes - Feet - Fingers - Hands - Spine - Teeth (Quntom Physics - one represents the whole - Maps) To View all of the following charts Click Here
Cook books for healthy living For more information Click Here
Phychology Body-Mind John E. Sarno, M.D. - Healing Back Pain (the mind-body connection) - The Mindbody Prescription Healing the body, Healing the Pain Michael Brown - The Presence Process Peter A. Levine PhD. - Waking the tiger Alice Miller - The Drama of the Gifted Child - For your own Good Susan Daniel - Living with Intensity (the experience of gifted childern and adults) David Berceli PHD – Revolutionary Trauma Release Process, Transcend your toughest times Mary O’Malley - The Gift of our Compulsions, A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Acceptance and Healing (from Dr. Gunnar Hansen)
Healing Donald M. Epstein D.C. - The 12 stages of Healing: A Network approach to Wholeness (Net work Chiropractic)
Health Stephen Hove - The Emperor of All Maladies, A Biography of Cancer - (from Dr. Joan Shaben)
Parenting Barbara Coloroso – Kids Are Worth It
Sexuality Barry Long – Making Love Diana Richardson – Tantric Orgasm for Women – Feeling vs Emotion (golden rules to make love easy) Nicole Daedone – Slow Sex (the art and craft of the female orgasm) Stephen T. Chang – The Tao of Sexology - (the book of infinite wisdom)
Quotes ~ Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
~ Rumi Inside this new love, die. Your way begins on the other side. Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. Walk out like someone suddenly born into color. Do it now. You're covered with thick clouds. Slide out the side. Die, and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign that you've died. Your old life was a frantic running from silence. The speechless full moon comes out now.
~ JdR All of your ancestors know what they've passed down to you. And regardless of what they've been and done, they all know that you are able to do this. Because you are still here, you are leading them.
~ Pema Chodron The purpose of the spiritual path is to unmask, to take off our armor. When that happens it feels like a crisis because it IS a crisis - a fixed-identity crisis. The Buddha taught that the fixed identity is the cause of our suffering. Looking deeper, we could say that the real cause of suffering is not being able to tolerate uncertainty - and thinking that it`s perfectly sane, perfectly normal, to deny the fundamental groundlessness of being human.